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Lots of stuff goes on in this shop, located in Lorette, Manitoba.

Primarily it's the building and repair of classic wood & canvas canoes, and the making of premium canoe paddles. I also do custom boat building, composite fabrication, and special projects. A growing passion of mine is the making of classical guitars, I'll post about that, too.

I want to be able to share with my clients the progress of their commissioned work. Later I started thinking that there might be other people who are interested in what goes on inside a wooden canoe shop operated by an artist and a recovering teacher.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me by email, phone, or by post. My mailing address is:

Red River Canoe & Paddle
24249 River Rd
Lorette, Manitoba
R5K 0Z6

Thursday, 21 April 2011

The floors are sawn out of Mahogany and are epoxied in place. With the changing shapes of the boats interior, it is a real challenge to get a good fit everywhere and fitting took a lot of time.

Here you can also see the seat risers being epoxied in place. They are screwed to blocks which are bonded to the hull, this way the riser can be removed to facilitate future maintenance work. The spreaders are to apply clamping pressure, the short vertical sticks are to maintain proper positioning.

In order to not get epoxy smeared everywhere on the interior I placed packing tape around the glue area. Once the squeeze out is cleaned up, the tape is removed. I thought of this technique after the floors were epoxied in, I should have thought of it before!

The stern seat is supported on these blocks. Bars will rest on these and run athwartships.

And a small molding is put on along the edge of the sheerstrake. I used the small cut off from the rabbet of the outside gunnel. I will be using a canoe style outer gunnel which will cap the exposed edge of the plywood planking. The inside gunnel is installed with the screws visible, and the outer gunnel will be screwed to the inside gunnel spaced between these screws, effectively doubling up the number of fasteners for the inner gunnel.

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